1. Is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family.

2. When people added one extra day to February every four years, they were adding 24 hours, whereas they should have added only 4 times 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds — a total of 23 hours, 15 minutes and 4 seconds.

3. This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece.
    对这样一部杰作只付这么一点钱, 未免太少了。

4. That will be a total of eighty N T.

5. The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost.

6. This strip of paper will eventually list everything that the shopper has bought, what each item cost, the total price, the tax, how much money the shopper gave the checker, whether it was cash or a check, and the amount of change the shopper is to re

7. That means as many as 400,000 new cases of AIDS could occur in the next few years — more than doubling the present total.

8. The biggest foreign producers are Colombia and Ecuador, which accounted for almost 90% of the total imported last year.

9. Total travel time, including getting on and off the train: 1 hour, 35 minutes.

10. This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent.